The highly anticipated Market-X Conference & Expo took place on 14-15 March in Vienna, Austria. The event gathered over 450 industry leaders, policymakers, and experts from Europe and beyond.
Market-X event was a resounding success, with three key outcomes that will significantly impact the technology industry. First, the Gaia-X Digital Clearing House (GXDCH), a crucial component of the Gaia-X initiative, was successfully launched at the event. The GXDCH offers a one-stop solution for verifying compliance with the Gaia-X rules in an automated way.

Gaia – X Hub Slovakia was represented by Coordinator and several representants of our ministeries. We were glad to have with the 1 st State Secratery of Minister of the Economy, Mr. Peter Švec. During the visit we could continue the discussion with EIT Manufacturing, which supports data driven economy in manufacturing sectors.

Additionally, the event featured the announcement of the first two GXDCH nodes: Aruba and T-systems. Finally, two more lighthouses joined forces with Gaia-X, including Gaia-X 4 Future Mobility, which focuses on smart city mobility, and Omega-X for energy dataspace.

Thank you to all the attendees and speakers who made this event a success! Your presence and contributions made a huge difference, and we couldn’t have done it without you.
The conference recording and pictures will be available soon on the event webpage: |